Friday, November 22, 2019

Tightened phrasing

The new frames cleared up confusion with playtesters, but it also gave opportunity for rephrasing and streamlining.

For the Screamer, it was initially confusing when one draws cards and where they must play their zombies, but now it seems more clear with fewer words.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Frames!

Development of Crafting Dead/Combiner Story had been on standstill. Designing new card frames and implementing software adjustments to support them created enough of a barrier that the small team put the project on the back burners to handle unrelated life events.

But development has broken free!
Behold! The new proof of concept frame:

The original frames were a template of another game, Munchkin and as the team balanced gameplay, we desperately wanted our own look. The new design splits up the information so that the values don't meld with each other - an aspect that confused alpha playtesters.

The white letter pops off the physical cards (even though the digital image here doesn't seem that way.)

Feedback helped create this new layout and feedback will continue to shape our designs. Leave a comment below.