Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, Combiner Story was and will be playtested in person and online through Tabletop Simulator.
Humans versus Humans and Dead versus Dead were played the past two days, as were drafting variants utilizing mixed decks and tomorrow, Game Cone Games will experiment with 1v1v1v1 and 2v2 variants.
Playing decks in these unconventional ways give the designers insight and inspiration. While it's unlikely new cards will be added at this step in development, ideas are regularly recorded for future expansions and promos. A beauty of development is taking the time to find quirky and uncomfortable game element interactions.
Final cards will be professionally cut and
frames more spacious for art.
frames more spacious for art.
Combiner Story has layers and layers of interactions, what are some of your favorite combinations, synergies, in other games? Comment below.